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How I blew away two of my goals for this year already S9E24

How I blew away two of my goals for this year already

· 04:34


Sometimes exciting things happen when you set some goals that, at the time, you're not sure you're going to achieve.

I set a few goals at the beginning of the year, but I want to talk about two.

I first wanted to get at least one more interview podcast done for my CompileSwift show this year.

Interestingly, I've already done seven, and I've got at least two more on the way for the rest of the year, either in the editing bay or a boot to be done. So there's that, and I'll be honest, I'm amazed because I'm not the best interviewer in the world.

I've only started doing them in the past couple of years, but I'm not one for really talking with strangers. And of course, you know, even though I meet people ahead of time, and we talk and discuss plans and everything else a little before we record the podcast, they're ultimately strangers.

It has been a real eye-opener for me to sit on video and audio recordings with these wonderful folks who take time out of their day to come and speak to me on the podcast about various topics.

It has gone very well, and I'm amazed I have done as well as I have.

But I'm also heartened and pleased by it because

I wanted to get one done, and I am at seven and counting, which tells me that when I push myself and set a goal, I can do it. I blew this goal out of the water.

The second one was I wanted to release one new mobile application this year, and so far, I've released two. Now, okay that doesn't sound as impressive as the first goal, but it is because anyone who's ever done this will know there's a lot of work involved.

It takes a lot of planning, building, testing, and ultimately, hoping that everything goes well and gets accepted into the app stores. So I'm again very pleased with that.

I'm at two and counting. I'm unsure if I'll get the third one out this year, but I've got two. So again, we exceeded the planned goal with three months left in the year.

So why am I telling you all this? I'm telling you all this because I'm hoping it inspires those of you who are maybe wondering if you should set yourself goals and whether you're struggling to achieve them or think you're not going to achieve them.

The answer is you will because I think something happens as soon as you set a goal. It's like a little check mark in your head that won't go away until you've done it, and it'll drive you to do that.

Once you set a reasonable goal, you will probably blow past it and do much more than expected.

So I'm just putting that out there to say set yourself reasonable goals. It doesn't have to be at the beginning of the year. It could be starting today, and I think you will be surprised that the ones you think you may have problems reaching or completing will probably do it a lot easier than you realize.

Hopefully, that'll give you the momentum to blow past them and keep going and the inspiration and motivation just to say hey, I did it, and I can keep doing this.

So I want to put that out there: put yourself in an uncomfortable zone and surprise yourself with your resilience.

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