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Did you know a Podcast player is planning to edit and cash in on your content? S9E29

Did you know a Podcast player is planning to edit and cash in on your content?

· 06:00


 What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the PW Podcast. I'm your host, Peter Witham. You can find myself and this podcast at peterwitham. com. I read something rather disturbing this morning I thought I'd share with you all. If you are a podcast creator, this is something you may want to pay attention to.

And I also fear this may be a sign of things to come. Now, I'm not going to mention I don't want to give them any names here because I don't want to give them any publicity or anything like that and I'm sure they won't be the last people to do this but I read about a paid podcast player this morning that is and re announced their plans to use AI technology to remove it.

Adverts from people's podcast shows, episodes. So what does that mean? Well, it means that you're essentially, you as the user, right? You're going to buy this podcast player app. So they're going to make money from you and you're going to listen to podcasts like this one, hopefully. But please don't listen in this player because what that podcast player is going to do is.

Use AI to remove the adverts. Now, that's just wrong, folks. Now, I get it. There's going to be mixed opinions on this. Probably from a user's perspective, hey, it's, for most people, it's probably great, right? It's going to remove adverts, and they won't hear them, and life will be great for them. However, for other listeners If you're one of those guys who appreciate the fact that, it's free to listen, not free to make, and they want to hear the adverts, or just allow the adverts to play to support the shows, and thank you to all of you that do that, it's going to be Something annoying.

Now, clearly for us as podcast makers, this is very annoying. Now, when I say annoying, here's what I'm getting at here, right? Firstly, I want my podcast to be heard in as many podcast players as possible, right? That's a goal. But what I disagree with is two things.

Firstly, essentially, Editing my content to remove the adverts. That's number one. And that again, I think that's wrong, right? You are going to take my content, edit it without my permission, and then redistribute it. That's essentially what you're doing here. And the second thing is, You are charging someone for the privilege of doing that and making money off of essentially editing my content.

Don't agree with that either. Now, this is not the same as, pick your platform of choice that streams and puts adverts in, and you pay extra to have those adverts not play. It's not the same thing. Because those platforms that stream It's either their own content or they have agreements in place, probably, with companies that make the content that they distribute on their systems.

That is very different, folks, than someone just arbitrarily saying, Hey, I, you know, pay me some money. I can strip that third party, uh, take that third party content and strip those adverts out. I just can't get on board with that. Not at all. And, I'm hoping this doesn't work. I'm also hoping that, rumor is there's some kind of legal issues going to be raised here and tested.

Great. Go for it. Because as content makers. Right, if we choose to put adverts in our content, okay, the listener can still skip them, I got no problem with that. But it's the listener choosing to do it. It is not some third party editing my content and charging someone for the privilege of doing it and making money off of that to edit my content.

Right? It's not going to be like this player, they're going to edit out, the adverts and then give me, the content maker, a portion of that money. No, they're just going to take money for, for doing it. And that's that. And I just got serious problems with that. And I really hope that all the content makers out there do as well.

And, I'd like to see one of two things happen. One, this falls completely flat and it's not allowed. to be a thing. Or two, platform, delivery platforms, have some system that say don't allow this content to be played on this player because, you can tell I got really serious, opinions and thoughts on this and I just don't agree with it.

Simple as that. If you have any thoughts on this, Hey, I'd love to talk to you about this. Go to peterwitham. com forward slash contact and, share your thoughts or, reach out and say, let's talk about this because this is the first sign I've seen of something like this. And you can bet that, AI is going to be able to do this to all content, eventually.

If they can do it to one, they can eventually do it to them all, right? And this should be something of serious concern to content makers. So that's what I got for you. Just a quick thing. It's just really bugging me today. And I wanted to put my thoughts out there while I was still thinking about it.

Hopefully this won't happen. The technology will fail, but I'm sure eventually technology will be able to do this. And like I say, I just don't agree with someone else cashing in on my content and editing my content at the same time. That's just my thoughts on it, folks. Love to hear what you think. Take care of yourselves.

Speak to you in the next one.

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