· 06:37
What's up, everybody? Rock to the episode of the PW Podcast. This one is a dev blog, and you may be wondering, wait a minute. Where is the next episode of the app creation series? Yes.
Peter:That that is part of what I'm gonna talk about here because I have had a hell of a couple of weeks, basically, at this point. I tried to record the latest episode. In fact, I tried four times. And each time, my software here was like, hey. It looks good.
Peter:I'm seeing the waveforms when you speak, and I'm recording and everything else, only to then hit the stop button after about fifteen minutes and discover it said, we're having a problem and we can't process your audio. And, man, so I did it, like, four times in a row over the period of two days and decided, you know what? Take the hint, Peter. Just walk away for a few days. So apologies if you are waiting for that next episode.
Peter:It is coming. I promise. I am gonna attempt to record it again tomorrow, which will be Monday. Essentially, we've got a bit of a gap here, but we'll get the next episode out this week. Yeah.
Peter:Frustrating. There's nothing worse than essentially sitting here for almost, at this point, an hour talking to a machine that's, hey. I got this. I got this. And then you hit the stop button, and it's, no.
Peter:I didn't get this. I'm sure you've all experienced this, but it drives you crazy when it happens more than once. Sorry. That's where the next episode is coming this week. I promise.
Peter:In other news, I've also had other craziness. So I was trying to add some new developers to my Apple development team this week in the actually, technically, at the end of last week in the Apple portal, and it just was not happening. It didn't matter what I did. I could not get new folks added to the team. It was also driving me nuts.
Peter:When you have those weeks where you're like, wow. Technology. Is it the savior, or is it just here to kill us all? Because I think at this point, it's heading in the other direction. But, yeah, inviting people to the team, they got the thing, they tried to do the thing and everything else, and they just never successfully made it in the team.
Peter:And then magically, the following morning, after a few days of trying this, one morning, we said, screw it. We just left it that night, and we came back the next morning, and boom, people were on the team. Totally bizarre. So I don't know if Apple was having a bad week or something was out of sync or whatever, but it just magically fixed itself. And that's the worst kind of thing.
Peter:Right? Because you don't learn from that. You don't there's nothing worse, I think, than something that just magically fixes itself and starts working because you can't learn from things when you don't understand them. Even if it's something somebody else does, it's what did you do? What happened?
Peter:Tell me it was wrong, and I know I'm not crazy. Those kind of things. So there was all of that. And then in good news, though, I was playing around with some new ideas for my endless hurdles three d and endless hurdles two d versions. And this is one of those where sometimes it's best to not mess with your main apps or game or whatever, the main code base, and to go away and make separate projects.
Peter:So I had little, what I call my experimental projects, which are basically to look at and learn one thing, and that's all this project is for. So I did some things in Unreal Engine, and I did some things in Godot, and then I also did some things in Unity just to see, okay, is this does this theory translate does this process translate between the different engines? And it does. And it goes to show that, as I have said so many times, it's not about learning a tool. It's about learning the idea and the process and solving the problem and then translating that into the appropriate tool.
Peter:And I stand by that still, and it worked for me this week. I wanted to do with some moving some objects and around on the screen and when they reach certain points on the screen, off screen out of camera, I wanted them to disappear, reset themselves, and so on. And so a lot of object pooling and those kind of things, which probably means nothing to some folks. Don't worry about it. It's just a thing.
Peter:But the the point here is it's a lot easier to learn and understand these things and experiment when your code base is nothing but the one thing you're trying to do. Now I get it. Some folks think that's a waste of time, and they're like, you should just do this in your main project or do a new branch or whatever. Sure. That works for you.
Peter:Go for it. But sometimes, just having that little experimental prototype project to ask the question, solve the problem, and then have it for future reference is the way to go. Right? Depending on what you're doing, of course, that also gives you the ability to maybe export that as export that as whatever it may be. Maybe you're doing something like a JavaScript module or a React component or a game component or a game prefab if you're a Unity user, all those kind of things.
Peter:Right? If you can encapsulate it and make it a thing unto itself, great. Take it into other projects. Right? It's like making a class and just having your own library and all that kind of stuff.
Peter:But, again, I think that having those smaller projects pays off. So that's the craziness as to what's been happening for me in the past, like I say, almost two weeks at this point. But, hopefully, we're gonna get back on track with the podcast this week. I'm also editing the next compiles it's not the compiles with podcast anymore. It's the untitled developer podcast.
Peter:We're still trying to find a new name for it. So lots of things going on in the background, but just a crazy couple of weeks where you just question your sanity. And it's, wow. Do I feel like a total imposter here, or is this stuff just not working today? And sometimes it's not you.
Peter:Sometimes it's the services on the Internet that are the problem, and you don't know it, but you think it's you. So hang in there, folks. Anyway, bit of a dev blog here, bit of a short one, but let me know. Hey. How's your weeks going?
Peter:Reach out to me. I'd love to hear from you. Other than that, folks, yeah, couple of days from now, we should get the new episode on the app creation series out. Hopefully, everything's gonna go according to plan. I will speak to you in the next one.
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