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Beating the infinite scroll problem and being productive S9E31

Beating the infinite scroll problem and being productive

· 04:05


 What's up everybody. Welcome to the episode of the PW podcast. In fact, welcome to the first episode of 2024.

Now I'm not going to be doing, you know, the new year's resolutions, like so many people do. And then they've found a few months later and that kind of thing, not going to talk about that. But when I am going to talk about here is a very affirmative plan that I have for one thing in particular. What it is is beating the infinite scroll boredom problem. Right. That's so many people have. Now we all know what this is. Okay. You, you find yourselves in those minutes, right? Hopefully minutes, if not worse. Where you're doing something or you're waiting for something you're waiting for the coffee to make you're waiting in a doctor's appointment. In the waiting room, you're standing in a bus queue, your whatever, getting ready to go to bed.

You're in bed. Right. Waiting to fall asleep, all those kinds of scenarios. And you pick up device X. And you start scrolling through something, usually some kind of. Social network. , Instagram is a classic one, I think for this ride. Or you, you can just infinitely keep scrolling forever. And you do. So many do. And I like Instagram because you know, I love photography and Hey, it's a great place to go see great photographs. Sometimes in between the adverts.

Another story there. Anyway. Um, but the problem is right before, you know, it, you're infinite scrolling for some. Very long time. Way longer than he should be. And the only way to beat this is to not do it in my opinion. Which is easier said than done. So my plan is a very simple one. And anytime I find myself reaching for whatever it may be, where I can infinite scroll to debt. I I'm gonna not do it.

I'm going to consciously take note that I'm about to do it. Stopped myself. And goes, do something more constructive, something more useful to you or to somebody else? Right. Perfect. Example of me as a content creator. Infinite scroll is a way to. Avoid making content. Or prevent me from making content.

And it sounds very silly, but it's a very big problem. I know a lot of folks say the same thing. So what I think I'm going to do anytime I'm going to reach for some, like I say, infinite, scroll, whatever. I'm going to pick something up and start creating something or make some notes, jot down a couple of thoughts, maybe record a quick podcast.

I don't know. Something like that. But definitely something more constructive and meaningful. Then just allowing all of those companies would there infinite scroll apps. To inject ads and just keep bombarding you with stuff to keep you there. , that's really what it's about. That's why it does that.

Okay. It's to keep you there and to inject more ads, at the end of the day, once you realize this, you're like, wait, I'm just feeding the magics for somebody else and wasting my time. So anyway. Just a quick thought here to kick off the new year. Curious, if you have any plans for such things like a say, not necessarily, goals for the new year, but things that you're like, okay, I'm not doing this right.

I'm changing this habit. Love to hear about that. Go to PeterWitham.com/contact. If you're interested, come on the podcast, talk about it. Love to discuss these things. I'm sure there's going to be many more episodes where I put these kinds of things out there, but I thought it was a good way to stop new year with this one. To really identify the easiest problem to solve.

Which is, avoiding this infinite scroll. That's it folks hope you're having a great one. Great start to the year. I will speak to you in the next episode.

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