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A co-host is a great way to keep you on track as a Podcaster S9E42

A co-host is a great way to keep you on track as a Podcaster

· 04:05


What's up? Welcome to another episode of the PW podcast. I'm your host as always Peter Witham. You can find me and this podcast at peterwitham.com. It's been a while since the last episode.


I've been very busy with a lot of things. I think it's that time of year, right, where we all get busy with projects that either need to be wrapped up or moved on and and, you know, day work things and stuff like that. Right? And if you're an independent creator, you start to think about the holiday seasons and how that's gonna go for you right here. For me in America, you know, that usually starts with Thanksgiving or Halloween, and then we're cruising right on through into Christmas and all that kind of stuff.


Right? So it's kind of a ramp up to ramp down at the end of the year as it were. And for me that presents some interesting things. Right? Because at the moment, I have just taken on a co host for my CompileSwift podcast, and it's interesting the effect it has because it brings in a new level of commitment for you as the owner and, in this case, primary host, because you have to think about it differently.


You have to plan. You have to schedule, and you've gotta keep those commitments. Right? And, of course, the same for the co host as well. But when you're a solo podcaster, it's very easy to say to yourself, okay, you know, it doesn't matter if I miss a week on an episode, or it doesn't matter if I don't plan things out, edit this one, get it out, record a new one, all that kind of stuff.


Right? Because you're now scheduling your craziness with someone else, and that requires to follow the schedule and to plan it out a little bit. Right? And, also, to allow for maybe when only, you know, you're available and for whatever reason your co host is not available and you've got to put out a solo episode. And I'm saying all of this to say that it's actually a good thing because it's kind of a nice pressure in many ways.


It forces you to get back into the pattern that you probably started with way back when you started your podcast and things like that. It also reenergizes the passion for doing it because it's all too easy. Right? We've done we know how it goes. I'm I'm like a 160 some episodes into that podcast now.


And, yeah, sometimes it's hard to come up with a subject every week, and it's hard to kind of dedicate the time and the thinking to making that good quality content. And so by having a different viewpoint from somebody else join you, it brings back the conversation. It brings back that spark for each week that says, what are we gonna talk about? Maybe it's a topic that you don't feel that confident about yourself. You're not a subject matter expert or something like that, and maybe your co host is.


And it opens up options, and it takes a little bit of the pressure off of having to come up with that new interesting thing and turn it into an episode every week. And I'm really enjoying it. You know, yeah, it's it's tough sometimes. Sometimes the Internet doesn't wanna cooperate, tools don't wanna cooperate, causes these kind of problems. But at the end of the day, I much prefer dealing with those kind of problems than staring at that blank recording screen saying to myself, okay.


I know I have a list of topics because I'm always writing things down, but I just don't wanna do those topics this week. So put that out there. Give it some thought. If you have a solo podcast, either think about a cohost or think about interviewing some folks because that can make a difference too. Right?


That that's another way to reenergize things. Anyway, putting it out there. Love to hear your thoughts on this. Reach out to me. Peterwithamm.com/contact.

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